Paroxysm Aftermath【電子書籍】[ Ashleigh Reynolds ]

Paroxysm Aftermath【電子書籍】[ Ashleigh Reynolds ]

<p>Four months. That’s how long it took for civilization to fall.</p> <p>Gemi finds herself at the end of a losing battle as she fights to keep the remaining military personnel alive and her sanity intact after being stranded inside a remote building. As it turns out, the crazy people on the outside may not be the only threat.</p> <p>With the pressure rising and time running out, she sets her sights on an old abandoned military building that could hold the key to their survival. But nothing is ever as easy as it seems in a world controlled by a population of rage filled lunatics.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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